Online Zoom Forum: Moving to Scotland: Experiences, Challenges, Achievements, and Aspirations -
Spiritual, Social, and Policy Perspectives.

Date: Sunday 15 December 2024.
Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm (UK time).

Event Description:

Format: There will be five talks, each of 12 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion among the speakers and the chair, followed by Q & A.



Phyllida Anam-Áire:

Bio: Phyllida Anam-Áire is a grandmother, a former Irish nun, author, poet and therapist.

She has worked extensively with the sick and dying and has just finished her 5th book.

Now at 80 years of age, she is truly in love with her beautiful life and grateful for it too.

Phyllida lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Elisabeth Landgraf:

Title: A Dynamic Place of Possibilities and Opportunities, Hills and Mountains Undulating into the Horizon of Forgotten Stories.

Description: I’ve lived in 7 different countries throughout my life and 19 years ago, I came to Scotland by chance as my partner at that time dreamed of visiting and possibly living in Scotland, I followed him as I was open to experience yet another culture.

It is now my home, a place where the quality of life is so well balanced, a dynamic country, a lush green and fresh space where one feels welcome and accepted.

Although I’ve been living in Scotland for 19 years, it’s only recently that I’m staring to perceive many similarities between my birth country South Korea and Scotland, lands of hills of mountains with rich history and myths that whisper tales of the forgotten stories of Ancestors.

Bio: I am a multi-disciplinary artist exploring the creative imagination through visionary art painting, movement and dance, Korean calligraphy, devotional whirling, energy art as well as performative arts.

I have recently started exhibiting my paintings in Scotland and participated in group exhibitions abroad.

My varied artistic practices are beyond making art, I aspire to be a living art form, a testimony that transpires the power of creative impulse, the magical beauty of Life and the ever changing landscape of the human imagination.

Marina Fornieles:

Title: Life, Vitamin D, and a Spiritual Awakening.

Description: How the universe brought me to Scotland and all the leaps of faith I had to take until I felt at home.

Bio: Marina Fornieles is a storyteller, filmmaker, wisdom gatherer, and an agent of change.

Swami Ganga Mata:

Title: Identity and attachment to place - where is home and why do we live where we do?

Description: Travel and migration have been a significant feature of the path towards finding answers to the eternal question "Who am I?", in the life of Swami Ganga Mata so far, and she shares from a spiritual perspective of why she currently chooses to live in Scotland.

Bio: Born and brought up in Australia, from a young age, Swami Ganga Mata felt drawn to exploring both the inner and outer worlds. Her various journeys around the world have always been considered spiritual journeys of self discovery, as much as learning about the people and nature of other cultures and lands. This outlook became further reinforced upon finding her spiritual guru through attending classes at the Yoga in Daily Life (YIDL) ashram in Sydney in 1996 and subsequently being given opportunities to teach in, move to and/or set up new YIDL ashrams/yoga centres in different locations, including four cities in Australia followed by London, Birmingham and Edinburgh in the UK. She has also taught at seminars in New Zealand, Czech Republic and India.

In February 2024, she was ordained in India as a sannyasin, in the Vedic monastic tradition, and upon returning to Scotland, Swami Ganga Mata moved to the Scottish Borders to create a residential ashram in Galashiels, from where she manages the Yoga in Daily Life Scotland charity and teaches yoga and meditation classes, workshops and retreats, both online and in person.

Dr Gameli Kodzo Tordzro:

Title: The Importance and Challenges of Migration: Scotland, Learning, Development, Humilities and Resourcing the Next Generation.

Description: There is so much to say on the experience of migrating to Scotland, its challenges, achievements, and aspirations but I will try to distil it to the essence.

Bio: Dr Gameli Kodzo Tordzro is a tradition bearer from Ghana.

He is an educator, artistic researcher, director and performer and farmer.

He works part time in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow as an Artist in Residence of the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration Through Languages and The Arts (UNESCO RILA) and as a Research Associate of the MIDEQ Hub.

He is also a freelance creative arts consultant and producer. His professional experience cuts across Education, Artistic Research, Film, Television production and performance, Community Theatre and Development, traditional African cultures, music, fashion and textile production.

He is well known in Ghana for his storytelling role in the 1990s as Grandpa on the popular Ghana Television’s Kids Television programme ‘By The Fireside’ and later as ‘Paa Joe’ in the forty-episode TV Series ‘All That Glitters’ (2005 - 2006).

Tordzro is Critics Award for Theatre in Scotland (CATS Awards 2015) winner for Music and Sound for his work on the National Theatre of Scotland production ‘Last Dream on Earth’.


Title: My healing journey in Scotland and the roots I found in Celtic Consciousness.

Description: I am from Chile and came to Scotland for the first time in 2018 to study an MBA. In Chile I had a very successful career as a lawyer and built a life being totally disassociated due to the trauma. At 35 years old I had a crisis, left everything and came to Scotland following my soul's calling. Since then, I have been back and forward in a healing journey. I will be speaking about the roots I found in Celtic Consciousness and how this beautiful land and people have supported my healing. I will refer to my connection with this land, through my ancestors, past lives and soul tribe, and how through the work with the “Teachings from the Cauldron” I have been retrieving the lost parts of myself.

Bio: Brídanú's early career is law. During the last six years, in her personal journey and search for understanding of holistic health, has been engaged in many courses, such as reiki and shamanism. Currently, she is coursing a training in neoreichian emotional body therapy named “Somatic Emotional Processing”. However, the work with Phyllida Anam-Aire based in Celtic Consciousness, the “Gutha Community” and the “Brigid Poetry” has been the backbone of the journey during all these years.


Moving to Scotland

An archive recording will be made for the EICSP archive.

NB: There will be no refund if you cancel your booking.

Cost: By Donation.
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Account Name: Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Bank Address: Edinburgh Royal Mile Branch
Account Number: 06131159
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