Event: Day Workshop: Alexander Technique for Meditators: learn to sit easily upright without strain.

Facilitator: Sandra Riddell.
Venue: Skye Room, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.
Date: Saturday 18 April 2015.
Time: Registration: 9.30am-10am. Day Workshop: 10am-5pm.
Event Description: Are you sitting comfortably? If you find yourself struggling to sit with ease during your meditation sessions, this workshop will give you tools to make your practice more enjoyable. 

The Alexander Technique is both a mindfulness practice, and a way to be more comfortable in your body whatever you are doing. We become aware of how we create tensions which cause aches and pains, and learn how to let go of them and rediscover our natural ease and wellbeing.

We will explore some basic functional anatomy as it applies to sitting, walking and breathing, and learn how to re-build strength and natural balance to make all of these activities not only easier and more effective for you, but also more interesting.  You will learn the Alexander practice of Constructive Rest, which combines true relaxation with opening up to energy which you can take into the rest of your life. 

Sandra Riddell: Like many people I came to the Alexander Technique because of pain issues – in my case in knees and feet.  These were resolved, and by then I was intrigued by its potential to bring more energy and enthusiasm as well as ease to daily life and to my movement and spiritual practices. I trained for 3 years in Cumbria as a teacher, and have taught the Technique to individuals, groups and organisations in Edinburgh for ten years.

Alexander Technique for Meditators, Saturday 18 April 2015

Cost: £30/£25 (Concessions).

Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0131 331 4469.

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