Event: Evening Workshop: Vedic Mantra Chanting and Kirtan.

Facilitator: Jeffrey Levin.
Venue: Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL.
Date: Saturday 19 November 2016.
Time: Registration: 5.30pm-6pm. Event: 6pm-9pm.
Event Description: Vedic mantras when chanted have the power to transform and purify our body and mind and invoke the grace of divine. The evening will start with a short meditation and then an exploration of a number of Vedic Mantras such as Gayatri Mantra, Mahamrityumjaya Mantra and other important mantras.  We will learn how to chant the mantras correctly and understand their meaning. 

We will also sing some Kirtans together accompanied by a harmonium. There will also be an opportunity to share or lead a chant. Kirtans are songs or chants that use simple melodies with repetition of various names of the divine.  They have the power to open our hearts and invoke the sweetness of love and devotion. Look forward to an evening where we raise our vibrations and consciousness through singing and chanting.

Jeffrey Levin:

I have been on the spiritual path for a number of years and been inspired by devotional practices as well as the path of knowledge or understanding. I have been sharing and leading bhajans/kirtans and Vedic chanting sessions with like-minded friends and in a few regular groups. I have also spent a significant amount of time in India and have lived in various Ashrams in South India where I have been deeply moved by my experiences. I learned to chant Vedas while in India and have developed a deeper understanding of the Vedic tradition and its message. I continue to seek to integrate my experiences in the West and enjoy exploring both Western and Eastern approaches to spirituality.

Evening Workshop: Vedic Mantra Chanting and Kirtan

Cost: £10/£8 (Concessions)/£3 (Students).

Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0131 331 4469.

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