Event: Play and Afternoon and Evening Workshop: A Celtic Song of Dying.
NB: This event will now be rescheduled into 2022.
Facilitator: Phyllida Anam-Aire.
Venue: Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL.
Date: Sunday 28 November 2021.
Time: Registration: 3.30pm-4pm. Afternoon and Evening Workshop: 4pm-8.45pm.
Event Description: Three years ago Phyllida sat at her computer and began writing a play that named itself A Celtic Song of Dying and she didn’t get up from her computer until it was fully written.
She has had to let it Rest In Peace as there did not seem to be a way of exposing it to the public.
And indeed she is not sure how it wants to be birthed, but she only knows that it is time for movement.
This play is about the dying process spoken in the old Irish language translated into English.
Song, dance, and soundings express what mere words cannot and Phyllida lets us into the mystery of not only the dying process itself but holds our hands as we join in the grief being expressed.
You will be invited to take part in this experience, to read some of the script, sing some of the death mantras, dance your own dance with Phyllida, and howl your own grief if it be present at any time during the play.
This might sound strange and a bit frightening, strange maybe but frightening not, if you have ever dared to look into the sacred heart of death and seen it as a welcome rest at the end of a long life.
Will you dare to join me and we together can help to birth what seems ready for a new world out there, and yes, it is a bit scary but together maybe we can welcome something beautiful.
I’m trusting you as I’m trusting me in this.
Phyllida Anam-Aire loves the way Soul creates in us all.
That is the way of Soul as she animates the sterile places in us, seducing the dried-up earth in our clay to dance pain, joy, longing, and freedom in the vast Cauldron of her passion.
Phyllida is not attached to the outcome of this new venture, and you are as much the alchemist in this as she is herself.
So, come with your compassionate heart and be part of and bless into birth A Celtic Song of Dying.
NB: This event will now be rescheduled into 2022.
NB: There will be no refund if you cancel your booking.
Cost: £25/£20 (Concessions)/£10 (Students). For a Registration Form:
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0131 331 4469.